A root canal is a commonly performed dental procedure that is used to treat inflammations raised in the inside part of the tooth, the pulp. Through this treatment, the dentist can remove bacteria from the affected tooth canals and disinfect them. It prevents the tooth from further pulp inflammation that may be harmful or even lead to tooth loss.
Root canal treatment procedures should be carried out by an endodontist (root canal specialists) or general dentist. For the treatment to be successful, the doctor must be highly skilled and able to determine the exact length of the tooth root.
We at Pristine Dentalworks have experienced dentists who are well trained in diagnosing and performing endodontic treatment procedures. Here is some more information about root canal treatment in Singapore.
What is a root canal?
Nerve Treatment

Root canal

A root canal is an endodontic treatment attended to eliminate infection developed inside, at the central portion of the tooth, known as pulp. The infection usually occurs when you are suffering from a tooth cavity and it has reached the pulp. In the root canal procedure, the dentist treats both the inflamed or infected pulp tissue as well as decayed nerve. By doing this, the tooth will be protected from more severe infections, which may eventually result in tooth loss.
What causes you to develop such an infection in your teeth? In most cases, the inflammation is caused by an untreated mild or deep cavity. However, you may get a pulp infection because of an injured or cracked tooth.
The tooth is basically made up of a crown portion which is the part that you see in your mouth and a root portion which is in the gums and actually stabilizes the crown. The crown of the tooth is covered in white enamel which acts as a protective barrier for the tooth. Below the enamel lies the dentin and the root canals. In the centre of the root is a soft tissue called the pulp. It is made of connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels. When bacteria and acids accumulate on the tooth enamel, it can break down the protective layer and lead to tooth decay.
With time, it extends and reaches the sterile spaces inside of the tooth root and causes inflammation. Left untreated, bacteria can penetrate deep into the root at the end of the root where the bone is, causing an abscess that can be harmful and result in tooth loss. The goal of root canal treatment is to get rid of a problem that is initiated inside the root and causes an infection of the pulp as well as to preserve your natural tooth.
When do you need a root canal treatment?
If you are experiencing any of the painful symptoms listed below you may have a root canal infection so you need a root canal procedure.
Your tooth is sensitive to hot or cold food and drinks
Please note that in some cases you may experience brief sensitivity to hot or cold food that only lasts a few seconds. This symptom is generally not an indication of serious problems. However, if the tooth continues to be sensitive, see your dentist. If you have mild sensitivity, it could be indicative of a small cavity, a loose filling or gum disease. Such cases need to be examined by a dentist.
You experience spontaneous pain and discomfort
If you are experiencing sharp and severe pain when biting, it may indicate that you have a nerve infection and the pulp tissue inside or around your tooth has been injured. See a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further damage. If the pain persists after eating cold or hot food, then your pulp might be irreversibly damaged by deep decay or trauma. The root canal treatment can save your tooth in this case, so make sure you see an endodontist right away.
You have swelling around the tooth that is infected
If you have red and swollen gums, you might have developed an abscess. It is a severe infection in or around the root of the tooth that may or may not cause tooth pain. This occurs when the pulp dies and the surrounding tissue becomes inflamed. In most cases, an abscess causes pain in the bone surrounding the tooth. You may also experience swelling of the gums and pain when chewing. You should see a doctor immediately to evaluate your condition and provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
How much does root canal treatment cost in Singapore?
The cost of root canal treatment in Singapore can vary greatly. It is possible for you to pay as little as $200, but it is also possible that the cost of your treatment will reach $2,000. Considering that every patient has different needs, this wide range is not surprising. Some patients may require more extensive treatment, which ultimately requires more dental visits. This, of course, will lead to higher treatment costs.
There are usually a number of procedures involved in root canal therapy, as well as a number of visits. Every step is normally priced differently. Therefore, the consultation and crown are not part of the root canal treatment cost.
Today, root canal treatments are a bit more expensive due to the high investment necessary for a successful procedure. There have been numerous advances in modern technology to contribute to this. While these techniques make the treatment more expensive, they actually help dentists provide a less painful and much more successful treatment. It actually makes the treatment more cost-effective in the long run.
What happens during the root canal treatment?
What does the root canal treatment involve? During the procedure, your dentist will remove the bacteria from inside the roots in order to save the tooth and prevent it from further problems. There are several steps and techniques involved in the actual root canal treatment process.
At the initial consultation, you will be examined, have an X-ray taken, and have a pulp vitality test performed. The dentist will use these assessments to understand your condition and formulate a treatment plan that is most effective for you.
The root canal treatment may require a single sitting or multiple sittings at an interval of two or three days. Depending on your needs, your dentist might prescribe you antibiotics and painkillers before your appointment. It is important to take your medication prescribed by your dentist.
Local anaesthetic administration
Before any root canal procedure can begin, you must be anaesthetized by the doctor. Local anaesthesia will be used to numb the area so that you won't feel any pain. In very rare cases, your dentists may decide to use general anaesthesia.
Tooth isolation
Your dentist may use a rubber dam or soft stretchable sheet to isolate the tooth to be treated. This way, your mouth will be prevented from the chemicals and dental instruments used by the doctor during the procedure.
Removing the infection
The dentists make a little opening on the top of the affected tooth. Afterwards, they use special instruments to penetrate the tooth's root canals and scrape its walls, clean the space and disinfect it. By doing so, they are able to eliminate bacteria and debris that are causing inflammation. Dentists must thoroughly clean the infected root canal, kill all bacteria from the pulp chamber and prepare the area to receive the filling material.
Placing a temporary root canal filling
The root of the tooth will be filled with a temporary filling. Then the dentists will wait a few weeks to see if the tooth reacts well to the canal before doing a permanent filling or crown prep.
Placing a permanent filling or crown
In case the temporary filling has worked well, the doctor will replace it with a permanent root canal filling. If the tooth structure has been severely damaged, the dentist might have to use a dental crown to restore its strength and shape.
Aftercare and recovery
The recovery time from root canals is normally around 2-3 days. Rarely, some patients may experience discomfort for longer than that. Here is what you can do and what you should avoid after a root canal procedure.
- Brush your teeth as usual, including the treated ones. Aso, try flossing at least once a day.
- When chewing, do so on the opposite side to the treatment area.
- If you have been prescribed antibiotics be sure you take them for the full length of time.
- Use an over the counter pain reliever within one hour.
- Contact your dentist if you are experiencing persistent discomfort or swelling.
- It is best not to eat anything after treatment until the effects of the anaesthesia have worn off. Biting your lips or tongue might result in a cut or ulcer on your lips or cheeks because you may not realize the amount of pressure you are applying.
- Avoid eating hard food from over the root canal treated tooth until the permanent restoration is placed.
- Do not eat sticky or chewy foods while the tooth is capped.
- Don't eat anything for an hour after your dentist places temporary fillings so the cement can harden and set.
What are the possible risks of root canal treatment?
In spite of the high success rate of root canal treatment, there are still a number of complications that can occur during the procedure. Fortunately, they are not common and they don't necessarily require a tooth to be removed.
- Incomplete root canals. If the tooth has a large lateral canal and an accessory canal that is difficult to sterilize, the root canal may not be completed.
- Fractured tooth or crown. A root treated tooth is normally more brittle and more likely to fracture.
- Re-infection. This may be the result of insufficient, inadequate cleaning
- Fractured instruments. It can happen if the canals of the tooth are very curved or when the speed-torque is too high.
What are the benefits of root canal treatment?
Here are some of the major advantages of root canal treatment.
- In this way, the tooth is protected from further infection and extraction.
- It helps you maintain good oral health and prevent unwanted changes in the mouth.
- The treatment helps you restore your natural tooth.
- The procedure allows you to use the tooth as normal.
- Root canal treatment eliminates pain problems.
- It has a reversible inhibitory effect on the nerve tissue.
- It provides a natural presence and improves the appearance of your smile.
- The procedure helps maintain the health of adjacent teeth by preventing infection and staining.
Why choose Pristine Dentalworks?
Pristine Dentalworks is a clinic that has specialized doctors and advanced equipment. It allows us to provide treatments that correspond with the highest standards of good clinical practice. We offer specialized procedures in aesthetics, endodontics, and implants. We create a calm and comfortable environment during our patients' treatments. What else you can expect from us is:
- Comprehensive dental services
- A high level of professionalism and quality of work
- An individual approach to each patient
- Flexible planning of treatment procedures
- It is our priority to care for our patients.
- We will do our best to provide you with high-quality services.

If you need a root canal treatment do not hesitate to contact us and book an appointment.